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I am actually a bit impressed by this image - first because I have of course a great deal of sympathy for the picture, scenery - but also because it is one sample where the use of HDR really adds so much to an image. While most often the use of HDR is just being used in the "surprise" corner, overdoing things to an absurd degree - it is here used in very different way - to handle the light and using it to illuminate the scene.
Also an dramatic correction when looking into the black fks. at the right side - but one which works perfectly together with the theatric
light to the left.
Very nice image to my mind and taste.
Duvessa E.
thank you very much Georg :D
Tove H.
Vakkert med eventyrlig lys.
Bjarte W.
Flott hdr dette, hvor veien og lyset danner fine diagonaler i bildet. Lekkert.
- Bjarte
Duvessa E.
takk for de fine kommentarene :)
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Also an dramatic correction when looking into the black fks. at the right side - but one which works perfectly together with the theatric
light to the left.
Very nice image to my mind and taste.
- Bjarte