Ramiro F.
Hello! I´m Fabricia, Brazilian and passionate about meeting and photographing people. In 2006, I moved to USA when I decided to follow my heart and started my photography journey. I have taken photography courses in Houston, Rio de Janeiro, Oslo, Buenos Aires and Barcelona. These places shaped me culturally and influenced me how I see the world. You can see through my images my Latin root with the presence of colours and warm human connections . On the other hand, I bring the Scandinavian influence through clean and minimalist images. In Buenos Aires, I had the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and learned how to produce fine art photography. I have graduated from the New York Institute of Photography and the Creative Art Photography School - Andy Goldstein, in Buenos Aires. I am currently studying to obtain my master's degree in photography and design at ELISAVA - Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona. Now I live in Oslo and work with families, kids, babies, weddings and personal branding. I am also a personal travel photographer based in Oslo to Localgrapher and Shoot my Travel. In addition, I am always working on my own projects.
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