WB_BlueLevelsFlash 457 438 419 402 386 370 354
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
AFStatusBottom Out of Focus
FileSource Digital Camera
ResolutionUnit (2) inches
ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
Software DSLR-A100 v1.02
WB_RedLevelCustom 435
WB_GBRGLevels 256 708 358 256
ColorMode (2) Landscape
DateTimeOriginal 2008:11:30 22:48:29
Sharpness Normal
WB_BlueLevelsTungsten 1040 996 954 913 880 842 806
AFStatusMiddleHorizontalOut of Focus
WB_RBLevelsTungsten 281 913
FocusDistance 10.37 m
MaxAperture 5.2
CustomRendered Normal
AFStatusLeft Out of Focus
Sharpness (1) Normal
InteropVersion 0100
AFAreaIllumination 0.3 s
MakerNoteVersion MLT0
CustomWBError Error
MinoltaQuality Fine
AFStatusRight Out of Focus
GainControl Low gain up
CreateDate 2008:11:30 22:48:29
DriveMode2 Single Frame
WB_BlueLevel3500K 678
CustomWBRedLevel 435
FlashFunction No flash
SubjectArea 1936 1296 3872 2592
MonitorDisplayOff Automatic
WB_RedLevelsFlash 433 445 457 470 480 493 506
FlashpixVersion 0100
ApertureSetting 5.7
AFStatusBottom-right Out of Focus
YCbCrPositioning (1) Centered
ColorSpace sRGB
FlashExposureIndicatorLastNot Indicated
FocusModeSwitch MF
WB_BlueLevelsFluorescent1038 824 711 533 461 449 405
YCbCrPositioning Centered
ExposureMode (1) Landscape
AELExposureIndicator Not Indicated
AFStatusTop Out of Focus
BrightnessValue (1) -4.125
AverageLV -4.125
ImageStabilization (4) On
ColorTemperature (3) 5500
AFAreaMode (1) Local
ImageDescription SONY DSC
WB_RBLevels6500K 485 386
DriveMode Single Frame
FlashExposureIndicatorNextNot Indicated
WB_BlueLevelsShade 424 406 388 371 358 343 328
CustomWBBlueLevel 493
Saturation (1) Normal
PresetWhiteBalance Daylight
WB_RedLevelsCloudy 433 445 457 468 480 493 506
LensType Minolta/Sony AF DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (D)
Flash Auto, Did not fire
CompressedBitsPerPixel 8
ThumbnailOffset 40324
ExposureCompensation 0
ExposureMode Auto
ThumbnailLength 3397
LightSource Unknown
Rotation (1) Horizontal (Normal)
SonyImageSize Standard
YResolution 72
WhiteBalance (2) Auto
ColorMode (3) Landscape
AFStatusTop-left Out of Focus
WB_RBLevelsCloudy 468 375
InstantPlaybackSetup Image and Information
AELock Off
FlashDefault Auto
RawAndJpgRecording Off
WB_RBLevels3500K 343 678
PreviewImageLength 53617
FreeMemoryCardImages 88
ContinuousBracketing Low
WhiteBalanceFineTune (1)0
ColorTemperature (1) Auto
ColorCompensationFilter (1)0
WB_RBLevelsShade 522 371
ZoneMatching (1) ISO Setting Used
FlashExposureComp (1) 0
Orientation (1) Horizontal (normal)
Contrast Normal
ExposureTime (2) 3.7
ColorTemperature 0
CardShutterLock Off
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
FlashExposureCompSet 0
LensShutterLock On
AFStatusTop-right Out of Focus
FlashMode Auto
AFStatusActiveSensor Out of Focus
ImageStabilization (1) On
AFStatusBottom-left Out of Focus
WBBracketShotNumber 0
Model DSLR-A100
DriveMode (1) Single Frame
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
FocalLength 30.0 mm
FNumber (1) 5.2
LensType (2) Minolta/Sony AF DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (D)
WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteF 438 711
FlashType Off
FileFormat JPEG
XResolution 72
WB_BlueLevelCustom 493
ExifVersion 0221
ImageStabilization (3) On
WhiteBalance (1) Auto
ShutterSpeedSetting 1/256
WB_RedLevel6500K 485
PreviewImageStart 3605525
NoiseReduction On
SceneMode (1) Landscape
PreviewImage (Binary data)
WB_RedLevelsShade 488 501 514 522 540 556 570
WhiteBalanceBracketing Off
WB_BlueLevelsDaylight 482 462 442 425 408 391 374
CustomWBSetting Setup
AFPointSelected Center
ColorMode Landscape
WB_RedLevelsKelvin 254 264 275 285 293 303 311 320 328 336 343 350 358 364 372 378 382 388 395 401 406 412 417 421 426 431 435 440 442 447 452 454 459 462 467 470 472 477 480 482 485 488 493 496 498 501 504 504 506 509 512 514 518 520 520 524 526 528 532 532 534 538 538 540 544 544 546 546 550 552 552 552 556 556 558
AELButton Hold
CustomWBGreenLevel 256
MeteringOffScaleIndicatorOut of Range
Saturation Normal
EyeStartAF On
WB_RBLevelsDaylight (1) 441 425
AFAssist On
HighSpeedSync Off
AFAreaMode Local
WB_RedLevel3500K 343
SelfTimerTime 10 s
ImageStabilization On
Compression JPEG (old-style)
ExposureCompensationMode (1)Ambient and Flash
AEMeteringSegments -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125 -4.125
FocusLocked Manual Focus
InternalSerialNumber 601131012110
ZoneMatchingMode Off
ColorMode (1) Landscape
MaxApertureValue 5.0
MeteringMode (1) Multi-segment
FlashMetering ADI (Advanced Distance Integration)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 45 mm
WB_BlueLevelsKelvin 1100 1036 970 918 870 830 794 760 728 700 678 656 632 616 596 580 568 552 540 526 514 506 496 488 477 470 462 454 450 440 435 431 424 417 412 408 403 399 395 391 386 382 378 376 372 368 366 362 360 356 352 352 349 347 345 341 339 337 334 334 332 328 327 327 323 321 321 320 318 314 314 313 311 309 308
SingleFrameBracketing Low
AutoBracketOrder 0 - +
FNumber 5.0
InstantPlaybackTime 2 s
RedEyeReduction On
ISO (1) 400
RecordDisplay Auto Rotate
TiffMeteringImage (Binary data)
ExposureBracketingIndicatorLastNot Indicated
SonyModelID DSLR-A100
AFPoint Center
WB_RGBLevels 358 256 708
SceneMode Landscape
PlayDisplay Auto Rotate
ExposureTime (1) 3.7
ExifImageWidth 3872
ImageStabilization (2) On
ColorTemperatureSetting Temperature
SceneType Directly photographed
WB_RedLevelsDaylight 410 421 433 441 454 467 480
MeasuredLV -4.125
WB_RBLevelsFlash (1) 470 402
DigitalZoomRatio 0
ExposureIndicator 0
ColorCompensationFilter (3)0
MeteringMode Multi-segment
YResolution (2) 72
ExifImageHeight 2592
AFSensorActive Middle Horizontal
WB_RBLevelsCustom 435 493
ISO 400
WB_RBLevelsFlash 470 402
FocusMode Manual
DynamicRangeOptimizer (1)Standard
ColorCompensationFilter (2)0
ExposureTime 4
WB_RBLevelsDaylight 441 425
WhiteBalanceBracketing (1)Low
ExposureProgram Landscape
WB_RGBLevels (1) 358 256 708
Contrast (1) Normal
WB_BlueLevelsFluorescent (1)1038 824 711 533 461 449 405
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
WB_RedLevelsTungsten 263 270 278 281 292 300 308
AFStatusCenterVertical Out of Focus
Rotation Horizontal (normal)
CreativeStyle None
ModifyDate 2008:11:30 22:48:29
SceneCaptureType Landscape
SonyQuality Fine
DynamicRangeOptimizer Standard
ExposureCompensation (1)0
ColorSpace (1) sRGB
ColorTemperature (2) 5500
ColorCompensationFilter 0
WhiteBalanceSetting Auto
ExposureMode (2) Landscape
FlashExposureComp 0
XResolution (2) 72
ISOSetting Auto
FocusHoldButton Focus Hold
WB_RedLevelsFluorescent (1)282 302 438 486 451 565 503
WhiteBalance Auto
Teleconverter None
BrightnessValue -4.13
InteropIndex R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
FNumber (2) 5.2
BatteryState Half Full
ExposureCompensationModeAmbient and Flash
ControlDialSet Shutter Speed
ResolutionUnit inches
WB_BlueLevel6500K 386
CompressedImageSize 3551207
WB_RedLevelsFluorescent 282 302 438 486 451 565 503
WB_BlueLevelsCloudy 428 410 393 375 362 347 332
BrightnessValue (2) -4.125
FlashExposureIndicator Not Indicated
FrameNumber 0
AFStatusCenterHorizontalOut of Focus
LensType (1) Minolta/Sony AF DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (D)